Welcome to YEPS! Your Everyday Press, Sourced.

We are an independent news organization focused on serving the Nigerian audience and the world at large with verified and undiluted news reports.

YEPS! can help you achieve your advertising objectives, offering a wide variety of rich media formats to help you strengthen brand awareness and ultimately yield a high ROI. Whether it’s a standard  advert  placements or innovative custom solutions, YEPS.ng  is the place to help you create a compelling and rich ad experience for consumers.


Custom Advert Submission Proceedings

Special sizes and locations are negotiable on request. Kindly send us an email to ads@yeps.ng for more information about advert placement or call 0811 1 2002 91

  • Design concept should be presented to the THE YEPS MEDIA team via email to hello@yeps.ng or yepsng@gmail.com  for review and pricing discussion.
  • Team will submit to our Strategic Integration Group for initial review and approval.
  • This should include a mockup of the design concept or link to a live example by the agency for concept review.

NOTE: Some concepts may require more than two (2) weeks lead time if the concept requires major changes to YEPS! section templates.

To make further advert inquiries or place an order, please contact us at ads@yeps.ng and we’ll reply to you with our AD rates and other necessary information.